Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Seal the Deal

*Seal's new single is playing for the umpteenth time on our amazing satellite station at work*

co-worker: i hate this song
me: I want to club Seal.

crack addict to couple: excuse me, ladies

the man she's talking to: ladies? it's my hairdo that gave it away isn't it? *he was bald.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Jingle Bells Are Ringing in the Weirdest Place on Earth

as i walked into work today i saw a woman posing in front of the full length mirror in ladies wear. what is she trying on? a bra. over her clothes. with her bra on underneath, a shirt, and now this bra. on top. done up. like a reject from Madonna's Blonde Ambition Tour. "this will be a great shift," I say to myself.

middle aged man in a pretty plaid skirt buying stockings and chocolate: "when I'm a girl I want to be strong just like you"

me: "that's sweet, no one's ever said that to me before."

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

wax on wax off

this evening a cute chubby family purchased some q tips from me.

Without movie away from my counter or even turning around in any sense of discretion, the mother then takes out a q-tip and starts cleaning her son's ears. she pulls it out right by my face and the wax build-up was INSANE. I had to walk away to avoid puking. I walked back and asked the family if they could do that somewhere more private. and they gave ME a dirty look.

a) cleaning ears should be done frequently and privately
b) i would not buy tampons and then pull my pants down and shove it up me at the counter. that would be gross. so don't clean your ears in my face. thank you.
c) i have no c.

sweet tooth

me: you should get higher standards, like find a guy with teeth.
co-worker: he HAS teeth
me: yeah... one.

co-worker: no no, he HAS TEETH. they just fell out of his pocket after breakfast

me: *no words*